Tuesday, June 19, 2012

China’s African Immigration Crisis Clashes with Protest of Police Abuse

By M. Ulric Killion

6-19-2012 10-42-52 AM

Photo Source: African expatriates protesting the deaf of a fellow expatriate in the Yuexiu district of Guangzhou, PRC; 广州一外籍男子与人打斗后死亡 外国人围聚派出所堵路, Ifeng.com News, June 19, 2012.

Today, in Guangzhou, China, there was a clash between African expatriates and Chinese police officers in the Yuexiu district.

After reading the article, I was reminded of both an ongoing immigration crisis in China, especially concerning expats from some African countries in Guangzhou, and occasional reports of abuse of some prisoners in police custody in different parts of China.

The standoff involved a dispute about a fare for a taxi (by motorcycle) between a Chinese citizen and an African expat.

The police officer(s) took both to the local Yuexiu police station, and reportedly the African expat collapsed and ultimately died.

Yuexiu police officers did dispatch for medical assistance to help this man.

6-19-2012 10-43-48 AM

Photo Source: African expatriates protesting the deaf of a fellow expatriate in the Yuexiu district of Guangzhou, PRC, as one protester is shown holding up a sign that reads, “Give us the body”; 广州一外籍男子与人打斗后死亡 外国人围聚派出所堵路, Ifeng.com News, June 19, 2012.

While an investigation will take place, the expats in the photos must suspect some sort of foul play, because, in one of the photos, an expat is holding a sign that says, “Give Us The Dead Body.” 

Otherwise, the lack of information about what exactly occurred inside the Yuexiu police station notwithstanding, it is difficult to imagine that some sort of police abuse arose simply out of a dispute about the fare for a taxi.

Finally, one reasonably suspects that the investigation of this incident will more fully explain the cause of death.


See Ifeng.com News report:

广州一外籍男子与人打斗后死亡 外国人围聚派出所堵路

2012年06月19日 19:28



6月18日13时许,一名外籍男士在广园西路搭乘电动自行车,与车主因车费纠纷引发打斗,双方随后被警方带回矿泉派出所作进一步调查。17时许,该外籍男士突然昏迷,警方即通知“120”派医务人员到场抢救,最终经抢救无效死亡,警方正依法立案开展侦查. . . .

Source: http://news.ifeng.com/mainland/detail_2012_06/19/15418726_0.shtml

All Rights Reserved M. Ulric Killion, 2012.

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