Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mariela Castro: “The U.S. government concerned and occupies the LGBT movement in Cuba” / “Al gobierno de EE. UU. le preocupa y ocupa el movimiento LGBT de Cuba”


Fotos y video: Aday del Sol Reyes.

por  Aday del Sol Reyes, especial de, 16 de Enero de 2012 --

La Habana será escenario del 23 al 26 de enero próximo del VI Congreso de Sexología, en su sede habitual del Palacio de Convenciones, bajo el lema “La educación sexual en los procesos de transformación social”.

A propósito de este evento y sobre el trabajo educativo que durante décadas ha llevado a cabo el Centro Nacional de Educación Sexual (CENESEX), Mariela Castro Espín, directora de ese centro  accedió a conceder una entrevista exclusiva para CubaSí.

Licenciada en Psicología-Pedagogía y Máster en Sexualidad Mariela Castro es reconocida internacionalmente como figura activa en la defensa de los derechos de las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales, transexuales e intersex (LGBTI) en Cuba.

Desde noviembre pasado, la hija del presidente cubano Raúl Castro, se incorporó a las redes sociales, al abrir una cuenta en twitter, @CastroEspinM y el blog , como una vía más para desarticular los prejuicios que se han establecido históricamente y desterrar la homofobia. . . .

[Photos and video: Aday of the Sun Kings Havana will host the 23 to 26 January next year the Sixth Congress of Sexology, in its usual venue of the Conference Center, under the slogan “Sex education in the processes of social transformation.”

About this event and educational work which for decades has conducted the National Center for Sex Education (CENESEX), Mariela Castro Espin, director of the center agreed to grant an exclusive interview CubaSí .

Bachelor of Psychology-Pedagogy and Sexuality Master Mariela Castro is recognized internationally as an active figure in the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) in Cuba.

Since last November, the daughter of Cuban President Raul Castro, joined social networks, to open an account on twitter, @ CastroEspinM and blog, more as a way to dismantle the prejudices that historically have been established and banish homophobia. . . .] -- Translation by M. Ulric Killion.

Mariela Castro: “Al gobierno de EE.UU. le preocupa y ocupa el movimiento LGBT de Cuba”


Note: According to Mariela Castro, the daughter of President Raúl Castro, the Cuban  Revolution changed the lives of Cubans, including profound changes in their culture such as prejudices about sexuality. Known worldwide for her support and advocacy of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in Cuba, she is hoping for a discussion of anti-discrimination legislation including sexual orientation and gender identity at the next  Communist Party Conference, which convenes this month. She is also hoping for approval of a same-sex unions measure by the close of this year. In terms of social justice and social equality, her advocacy of LGBT rights could potentially serve to bolster a greater liberalization  of other rights in other aspects of Cuban society and politics.

--M. Ulric Killion

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